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Professor Raimo A. Kantola's home page

If you want to contact me, see this page.

If you are a student starting a master thesis project, read this or tämä suomeksi.

My office hours are: WEDNESDAY from 14.15 to 16.00.  EXCEPTIONS: on Jan 22nd, 2020 office hour starts at 15.00.

Here is my short CV.

And a longer CV, and List of publications.

Research interests

My area is networking technology/Internetworking. I am particularly interested in using packet network technologies in public networks that provide services based on commercial contracts. Roughly topics of interest include:


Recent and old news

Our group was awarded the Celtic Innovation Award for participation in the 100GET project.

Our group was awarded the Celtic Award in Silver for participation in the MEVICO project. We showed a prototype of Customer Edge Switching at the 2013 Celtic+ Event.

One of our past projects was ETNA, where we created a native Ethernet based carrier grade packet transport technology.


I maintain the status of our work on networking paradigm/trust related work here.

For a more long term list of publication, look up ResearchGate.

Topics of general interest

I have been writing articles in Finnish newspapers and magazines from time to time. I have also been a columnist in the CSC News that appears both in print and on the net in Finnish and in English. I keep the preprints of the articles here.

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Last update on the page 26.03.2013 15:01.
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